Will More Visitors Clicking At My Website To Improve My Google Rank?

In other words, you seem to be keen on knowing whether large number of clicks at your website will help your site rank higher?The answer is a big NO, because Google never pays attention to how many times the site is searched for or how many persons have visited that site. In any case, had that been an important issue, site owners would have hired people to go on visiting their site over and over again.

However, Google has its own formula and methods, most of which are part of its proprietary rights that include algorithm for determining the rank of a website. Nevertheless, there are a few relevant factors that go into how a website will rank, a complicated theory which was originally invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin years ago. Primarily, there are three strategic issues that go into determining website ranking which are listed below:

  • Whether the website has been optimized for given keywords or not
  • Whether the website has a fair number of links pointing to it (from other sites) or not
  • Whether the website contains original (not copied) text with correlated keywords or not

Selection Of Appropriate Keyword / Key Phrase Is Important Than Number Of Visitors

Selection of appropriate keyword or key phrase helps a lot in ranking of the website. Los Angeles Lingerie Store, Miami Dancing Shoes, Organic Pet Food Plethora represents some of the target phrases that are commonly used by business persons across the country. When an efficient web designer optimizes a website, incorporating the target keywords / key phrases, it becomes easier for Google to understand what the website tries to deal in.

Links From Other Websites Help Rank Better

As earlier pointed out, inbound links matter quite a lot in raising the rank. In fact, Google takes a favorable view of a website when another website has a link pointed to the site in question. Moreover, Google considers the website to be more relevant or popular since other site owners are eager to establish link with it.

Also Important Is Original Text

Google also favors sites that have appropriate, original text instead of unrelated graphics cluttering a website. Needless to say, copied text, even if it is copied from the Bible, is disliked by Google. It has to be unique and creative to attract readers’ attention. Then there is the question of introducing appropriate keyword / key phrase within that text in a subtle way so that the reader does not stumble upon it too often, Overdoing it not only makes it hideous but also invokes penalty from Google on account of “spamming”. The essence of the matter is appeal for the human eye, not the crawlers’ eyes. If that is achieved, half the battle is won.


So, you see, Google could not care less even if a million visitors clicked on your website but would pay utmost attention if the site has the above noted features incorporated within it. And remember, content or text is an exclusive issue in matters relating to rank.