- Posted On: 28 May 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
As it is, the issue seems quite cloudy; but if we bring it back to realty by saying Website designing as against Website development, it becomes easier to grasp. However, first of all, let us get into the basics.
What is the difference between Web design & Web development
Basically, web design entails looking after the aesthetic side of website vis-à-vis its usability. Web designers employ design programs that include Adobe Photoshop, etc for crating the layout and sundry other visual effects for a website. Website developers, however, act upon that design to create a functioning website from it. For that purpose, they use HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and sundry other programming language, thus giving the much needed life force to the website.
Now a closer look at Web design
Ecommerce web design services usually commence by taking into account the client’s objectives in regard to the website and then take the help of IA (Information Architecture) which involves categorization of information in a coherent structure, so that the target audience may easily understand the issue in hand. This is followed by creating wire frames and then moving towards the design stage. However, web designers also follow certain Design Principles that are detailed below
>> Balance – It is the aim of every web designer to create a balanced layout. In web designing lingo, there are Heavy (large blocks of dark colors) and Light (smaller and lighter colors) elements. By using the right proportion of these elements, the web designer achieves a balance website design.
>> Contrast – In color matching theory, certain colors are known as contrasting groups. These include Black & White; Yellow & Pink; Green & Gold, etc. An experienced web designer would show his/her mettle by selecting the right contrast to enhance the appeal of the website.
>> Emphasis – This is also an area where the web designer’s experience counts a lot. Assisted by the client, he/she would highlight only those areas that are critical for the website. Indiscriminate highlighting will, no doubt, spoil the picture.
>> Consistency is the key success mantra of a website. Website designers should pay special attention to this aspect of a site to achieve reputation in the profession.
>> Unity – It is the relationship between the various parts of the website layout and the composition as a whole. Based in the Gestalt theory, unity deals with how the human brain visually organizes information by grouping elements into categories.
Also a closer look at Web development
Web developers, often called programmers are responsible for building fully functional websites. In order to do so, they may use HTML or go for more dynamic types incorporating such programming languages as PHP or Jumla. More advanced web development professional also prefer to utilize CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress to streamline development. Many web developers also convert a static layout into a dynamic site by using image and content sliders, active states for links and buttons as well as other interactive elements.