SEO Resources: Blogs / SEO

Today blogging has proved itself to be an effective marketing tool for any online business to prosper and there are very many reasons behind it. First of all, blogs are fairly easy to install and set up by using the one-click installation tools that form a part of most hosting packages. Then there is the benefit of search engines picking up fast any new information you post on it once the blog is installed. What’s more, they give priority to blogging content as they usually consider it as the most dependable source of  raw and un-doctored news items.

But facts may sometimes prove to be far removed from such considerations. However, here are a few outstanding SEO blogs that showcases what blogs ideally should be like.

  • ViperChill is a site that covers more than just SEO. Topics discussed include viral marketing, blogging advice and much more. For instance, it has blogging heads such as “2 million backlinks and 15 SEO Answers from Google’s Matt Cutts”. Also, more complex issues such as “What should we do with embedded codes in things like widgets and infographics?” as also “Should we include the rel=”nofollow” by default”?
  • Portent covers SEO topics blended with Internet Marketing, PPC tips as well as humor. Moreover, it provides a list of 10 most relevant PPC suggestions for implementing in the Christmas marketing bonanza which is just round the corner.
  • – as the title states, it covers everything relating to SEO + all the latest SEO news, current SEO topics and upcoming events.
  • Ranking by SEO also covers SEO news; tips and tricks – all focused on optimizing your website.
  • Internet Marketing Ninjas – “Hashtags are our new keywords”, professes this blog blatantly. It also affirms, “When used right, hashtags can give you additional exposure in social media, engage your community and attract influencers. ‘Trending’ hashtags are what we are, as content marketers, should be keeping an eye on to be able to make the most of hot trends, forms a part of this blog’s slogan.
  • Lawmacs – contains many informative topics such as “Getting the most out of Facebook Marketing”, Google page speed and your site”, “Get your SEO Right Reap the Benefits” and many more.
  • PointBlank SEO focuses on helping ‘ordinary’ marketers to build ‘extraordinary’ links by way of SEO development.
  • SEO Copywriting will prove very helpful as can be seen from the testimonial provided below.“I wanted to thank your team at SEO Copywriting and in particular Amy for the wonderful job with the copy rewrite for our site – John Miller, Jr. owner, MDAuctions.
  • Hubspot – They almost wrote the book on inbound marketing and SEO. If you are in SEO, you must go through the blog.
  • Small business Search Marketing created by Matt McGee provides knowledge of blogging and social media for SEO.
  • CognitiveSEO contains benchmarking tips as also how to outrank the competition.

Needless to say, these blogs will provide you with invaluable knowledge and understanding on the intricacies of search engine optimization, without which no website can ever hope to succeed. Regardless of whether you are new to SEO or intending to stay on top, these SEO blogs will be best resource for you and your establishment.