SEO Obituary

The SEO brothers, as we know them, consist of Internal and External SEOs. The Internal (15% or more) is related to designing your website with a view to getting higher rank on Google. The external takes care of writing articles, blogs, press releases , comments and content with entrenched keyword ‘backlinks’ to your site, which of course is now extended to include social media tactics. The purpose, in this case, too is the same – to get higher rank.

The SEO clan, as we also know, has divisions or classes such as ‘white hat’ and ‘black hat’. While the former is engaged at doing things through a process which is approved by Google, the latter adopts methods that are villainous by nature and therefore disliked by Google. But the purpose in both the cases is the same – to get higher rank.

But what the demigod Google actually want? This issue has finally been clarified by Google in not too many ambiguous or wooly word structures. Google simply wants relevant, matter of fact, to the point content on the World Wide Web that people would love to read, get benefitted by and would like to share with others.

This then is far removed from what SEO brothers are supposed to do. Their only ambition (call it function, if you like), is to get higher ranking – by adopting methods that translates to the age old adage, by ‘begging, borrowing or stealing’. However, the best part of the whole story is that Google has eventually been convinced about the vitiating role that SEO has so long played in the name of ‘getting higher rank’ and is now trying to find a suitable gravesite to bury all SEO websites for good.

The Phoenix that is rising out of the ashes of dead SEOs

The new Phoenix that is now coming out of the ashes of the dead SEOs is Social Search. Facebook’s Graphsearch is also a part of the scenario. What really has happened is that Social media and Search are now blending together to create a new authority. In other words, search engines are now thinking in terms of how social media can or should play a decisive role in Search Engine Optimization. Bing has, meanwhile, rolled out its authorship program, calling it “People Who Know”.

To sum it up all, search engines now are not paying much heed to Keywords. Instead, they are more intent in finding Quality Content. But what does that mean? It simply means content that gets shared on Social media. It has to be good too as otherwise people would not bother to share it.