- Posted On: 20 Aug 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
We now live in an immeasurably exciting time of global connectedness and online alliance. While the fast changing world of the Internet has revolutionized our lifestyle to the fullest extent, it has also demonstrated in no uncertain manner how convenience now rules the roost. Gone are the days when we used to get busy with our desktop computers, researching local business, noting down the paraphernalia for instant reference. Today, that computer has come to reside in our pocket in the form of smartphones. No wonder, 31.33% of internet searches, especially local searches, are now conducted on mobile devices, while the searcher is on the go!
Needless to say, this proves to be of immense benefit to the consumer. Armed with a GPS enabled mobile phone, anyone can straightaway find businesses in his/her communities that provide services or products that are needed, if necessary with a map, too. What’s more, such local businesses are fairly targeted; according to estimation, more than 60% of mobile searches end in purchase.
But what message does all this give to small business owners whose survival mostly depends on business obtained from local communities? Check out the following issues to become successful in running local business.
Small business owners should forget about window dressing or any other silly display of consumer items, as was customary in the olden days. In order to survive in today’s digital world they must have well designed websites where products or services can be digitally displayed. Restaurant owners should display their dishes prominently on their websites, mentioning their specialty or appeal.
Small business owners who want to stay competitive should also option for local SEO and digital promotion as this will give them an extra edge in roping in local customers. Studies have revealed that around 20% of Google searches are local searches and 45% of all searches are specifically goal oriented; which in other words mean that most local users are ready and willing to buy.
Contemporary consumers are a sensitive lot. Instead of risking a purchase through an anonymous source, they would much rather prefer to go by reviews or recommendations made by others. Small online business owners, therefore, would do well if they make arrangement for displaying and/or publishing such reviews or recommendations pertaining to their product or services, so that these can be found in local search results. They should also keep an eye on maintaining online reputation.
Researchers have, as of late, observed that the consumer market is currently dominated by Digital Natives (those who were born into the technological era) and Millennials (16-24 years of age) who mostly admit that they prefer to buy from local businesses instead of visiting big chain stores.
According to Customer Magnetism (a digital marketing agency based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA), “these ‘Millennials’ touch their smartphone a staggering 43 times per day. When these individuals are looking for a local business, they’re not doing walk-ins or discussing with their neighbors as was convention previously. Instead they’re going to their Smartphones. As this generation takes up a larger portion of the pool of customers, the trend of using mobile technology to find local businesses will only increase.” Local business owners, therefore, should pay more attention to these individuals whenever they conduct mobile searches for any product or services.