To begin with, you need to have Adobe Flash CS3 or CS4 Professional Software installed in your computing device to open and work with the source files. Additionally, by following the tips that include FLA source files will also help you to understand the issues better and apply faster in your forthcoming Flash projects. But remember, unless you get fully familiar with all Flash objects, you can never create a killer flash site, no matter how hard you may try.
Understanding Object Names
As a rule, Flash beginners are generally prone to believe that object names in the library are same as instance name, whereas in reality they are not. In fact, you should make it a point that you never ever confuse instance names with object names or class names in the library as they have altogether different meanings in Flash. For instance, black_box_01 is the instance name, blackbox is the class name, sans any spacing (used to create instances by ActionScripts), while black box, with spacing is the movieclip or object name in the library.
How to Make URL Buttons (in ActionScript 3.0)
- Create a button in the library.
- Drag it onto stage twice before positioning them.
- Provide instance names, such as button_01 and button_02.
- Add Event Listeners as shown below:
- button_01.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_hongkiat );
- button_02.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_koflash );
- function goto_hongkiat(e:MouseEvent):void
- {
- navigateToURL( new URLRequest( “” ), “_blank” );
- }
- function goto_koflash(e:MouseEvent):void
- {
- navigateToURL( new URLRequest( “” ), “_blank” );
Duplicating Movieclips in ActionScript 3.0
Just do the following:
- Create a movieclip “box” in the library.
- Right-click on it and then click on Linkage…..
- Set the class as Box
- Var b; Movieclip = new box(); duplicate a movieclip
How to Add Right-click Menu in Flash Actionscript
- Create custom menu items.
- Add Event Listeners to those items.
- Hide built-in items.
- Apply the custom menu items.
How to Use Tweener Class or Tween Engine for Motion Tweening
There are several open source tween engines available on the web and Tweener happens to be one of the most popular tween engines for motion tweening. So,
- Download Tweener Class (AS3).
- Arrange Tweener class by unzipping it while putting caurina folder into the folder where your flash file exists.
- Create a movieclip “black box” in the library.
- Drag it 2 times to give them instance names black_box_ 01 and black_box_02
- Apply Tweener to them.
- Download Tweener Documentation to fully understand and apply it for better result.
Structural Guidelines for Flash
It is indeed essential to keep your flash timeline structure and library clean and reusable for the simple reason that this way you can save a lot of time and energy in pursuing forthcoming projects. However, you also need to do the following.Create and apply layer folders if you have more than 10 layers on timeline
- Refrain from using default layer names, such as Layer 1; Layer 2, etc; instead give them meaningful names
- Put all Actionscripts in one layer, naming it “Actions”, while arranging it on top of all layers
- Allot meaningful names for all objects in the library and always use folders for group related objects
- Get rid of unused objects from the library by clicking the small drop down arrow and then ‘Select Unused Items’ before pressing the delete button. And finally,Download FLA file from Flshmo.