- Posted On: 12 Sept 2014
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
Hey, don’t get elated at the creation of your first mobile app unless you can find ways and means for marketing it. If you think that you should be able to do it through an App Store, you better hold your horses for the time being. Just imagine, there are more than 1,600,000 apps already in the market while there is no guarantee that yours will stand out like a Polestar amongst these. The only alternative is to promote your app all by yourself. However, here are a few tips that may help you achieve your goal easily. To begin with, you need to make your mobile app useful for the people. Unless it is something that people need, none would feel interested about it. Now, go through the tips carefully.
Even though it may sound somewhat idiosyncratic, you need to have some originality in your approach to become successful in this highly competitive market. Perhaps, you may have to take up any one of the two options given below:
As for the first preference, it would indeed prove to be a pretty tall order. Ever since mobile apps were created, developers had left no stone unturned in producing apps in thousands of forms. So, the opportunity for showing originality in this venture is almost zero. However, you may try your hand with (b), i.e. developing an already developed app. Doe this sound mysterious to you? Well, to be honest about it, there is no mystery in it. All you have to do is to select a category, study apps developed in this line, find out their missing points and then develop your own incorporating the missing points. You may also add some catchy feature to attract user attention which in turn will help promote your mobile app.
Without appropriate planning and a correct line of strategy, nothing will work satisfactorily. Therefore, you need to go about promoting your app in a planned way, keeping in view some of the following issues.
Even before you start discussing about you app, you need to create an effective marketing pitch for it. You should plan a sales pitch that sounds appealing enough for people to follow through to the next step.
Make yourself accessible on Twitter. This platform alone will enrich you with attention galore and that’s for free, too. For free marketing of your app, you must have people to talk about your app. So create the necessary exposure by tweeting about it as often as you can and in as many different ways as you can.
Incidentally, you need to plan out your conversations well in advance. It should include the plus points, as well as the benefits of buying your app. Also, since Twitter permits only 140 characters, you need to make up your mind about how precisely you should talk.It may be good idea to mix doses of humor in your conversation while presenting your app on Twitter. This will make people sit up and take notice of you and your product.
Building a fascinating website, woven round your app, will go a long way towards its nationwide marketing. Add unique features that describe the utility of your app. You can also display the app in action while involving a human element in the process. This will attract the attention of a large number of people that feel interested about mobile apps.
Set up a unique blog around your app and update it on a regular fashion. Remember, blogosphere and social media are like blood-bothers – always going hand-in-hand. Since tech sites and review blogs are quite useful in generating traffic, try and get your app featured on these blogs.
Create a good media pitch to promote your mobile app. Even though it is important to develop a unique product, it is equally important to rustle up media hype about it.Nevertheless, invite reputed blogs to distribute your promo keys for free. Try and find category-specific blogs and you will instantly be able to approach target customers, without too much extra effort.That way, many other blogs will follow suit and feature you in their front page as well. This is far more effective and permanent than Twitter.
All the hype that has been generated for your mobile app needs to be followed up with equally big launch. Send out newsletters to all and sundry while also hitting social media with all the force. Go for an online event of the launch, asking media to cover it.However, if you have eventually been able to make it into the What’s Hot section of Apps Stores, your mission will be considered as thoroughly successful.