- Posted On: 12 Sept 2014
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
Product pages on an ecommerce website are the pages that focus on the products and at the same time provide shoppers with a ‘Buy’ button. In other words, these pages are crucial to an online merchant’s business strategy because the success of the enterprise practically depends on the ingenuity of the product pages. In fact, when a shopper lands on the product page, he/she more or less gets ready to enter his/her credit card number. It therefore goes without saying that a product page designing should be as perfect as possible so as to convince the shopper about buying the product online.
Simplicity is criteria number one when you think of designing a Product Page for an e-trailer. There is a common belief amongst online merchants that filling up the product page with as many products as possible works well in the sense that if one product fails to appeal, another will do the trick. But these cluttered Product Pages are counterproductive for the simple reason that when a visitor clicks a particular website, the person is not out for window-shopping. He/she has a definite need for a definite product and is looking for that only. “Focusing each Product Page on a single product has become the norm among successful online merchants”.
Clarity is yet another significant factor when designing a Product Page. For instance, the Product Page for a particular product should clearly display everything in a military precision, such as –
But what about minor variations, such as shirts that come in various color and sizes? Well, these may go in one Product page.
However, when these appear in different styles, such as
these will obviously go into different Product Pages, because these indeed are different types of products.
Category Page, which is an offshoot of Product Page, is often created to display similar, yet dissimilar products. This includes various types of cameras, such as common digital cameras, underwater digital cameras, Spy cameras, etc. A Category Page, incidentally is one level up from a Product Page while offering links to a broad array of products. However, the key point here is that each link on the Category Page will link to separate, individual Product Pages.
Think of a shopper concentrating on your Product Page who has found what he had been looking for, save and except one additional feature that is not there in your product. But unfortunately, your Product Page does not show him how to navigate to find the product with the added feature which he must have. At this stage, there are two alternatives – either he bounces off or goes back up and visit all the pages – issues neither the e-tailer nor the customer are interested in. However, the problem would have not arisen at all if “Dimensional Navigation” was incorporated at the design stage. A page with dimensional navigation means “Product Pages that are actually linked together according to dimensions or attributes that are appreciated by the customer.