- Posted On: 10 Jun 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
Believe it or not, choosing a reliable web development company in the United States today poses many hassles. One of the biggest issues is the cost factor. At the current rate of $150 per hour, a ‘basic designed website’ will cost anything between $2000 and $5000 on an average. However, a basic website that costs $2000 will neither allow you to interact with your niche audience (social networking, blog), transact business through your site (eCommerce), nor permit you to manipulate and update the pages (including the content) within your website without the help of a web programmer/designer. CMS or Content Management System again will cost a hefty sum of money, when done with professional help. Moreover, the website will be templated at such low cost ($2000) and so probably will be somewhat similar to other sites appearing on the web. However, a proper high-end website will cost much more.Here are some of the factors (including new ones) that are likely to impact the cost of a properly developed website.
A website may contain just a few pages or large number of pages running into several hundreds. Now, each page needs care and attention for best visual as well as right content appeal and so the more number of pages will obviously cost more dollars.
This also goes back to the number of pages a website has. The more number of copyright pages it will have, the more will be the copy-writing cost, leaving aside the time spent on locating and paying money to the copyright holder.
Website designs range from very simple to high-end, award winning types. In fact, it all depends on what the website owner is looking for. However, here are few to select from:
Needless to say, the cost goes up as you go down from the top to the bottom.However, with the widespread usage of smartphones and similar handheld devices, most websites now require Responsive Website Design. It means that a website is specially designed for functionality on desktops as well as on smartphones, tablets and such other mobile devices. With hundreds (more than 200 as of 2014) of screen sizes that are quite common now, it is no wonder that these all-purpose designs will be costing more than regular ones that are meant for standard screen stationary PCs. Yet these are a must as most searches are now conducted through small mobile devices.
A reliable web development company will also make sure that the website developed/designed by them is fully optimized for search engines. They are also often become responsible for selecting appropriate keywords.
For survival in this highly competitive world, most website owners insist on having flashy and eye-catching demo for their website, even though it may cost some extra dollars.
Even though database integration raises the overall cost of website development, it depends on how much development goes into creating this section. Nevertheless, this element of a website could be quite important to a business, especially during the development stages.
CMS is very useful for any website since it allows the website owner or any of the employees to edit information on the site without having to edit any of the codes files that are placed in it.
To be precise, all contemporary websites are provided with E-Commerce functionality. However, to reach that status, certain service tools, such as shopping cart, ability to accept credit cards, secure data communication and proper legal documentation are there. Moreover, the layout of the website is so optimized that a user can get to any order form in a single click. Also product information as well as testimonials are appropriately displayed and documented within the website.
Since a proper website having all the features described above (with self updating facility) in the United states today costs around $5000 to $35,000, many US business houses are now outsourcing their website designing and development projects to reliable Indian Web development companies that include Crescentek. Their prices are affordable while the services are world-class. For further information, please visit the website today.