- Posted On: 12 Sept 2014
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
“The mortar that holds all relationships together – including the relationship between a seller and a buyer is Trust, and trust is based on integrity”. Never has that become more true as in the case of online business where trust alone can induce a buyer to close a deal. That is, provided the website has adequate signs of integrity.
Mind you, most of that integrity comes out of transparency in every sphere of business, irrespective of whether you are selling computers or pair of shoes. Today’s online buyers, by the way, are more keen on experiencing this commercial virtue than ever before. A 2012 global study from the Edelman Trust Barometer reportedly recorded that of the 11,000 people in 8 countries polled, 90% claimed that they want companies to be as transparent as possible. But to remain transparent, you have to remain honest.However, here are a few tips that will help you build trust into your website.
Tip 1
Be honest in your approach. Declare your mission value which has been built on underpinnings that spell transparency and dedication. Define dedication too, as not what is expected of you but what you can give to the customer in the most visible way – not behind their back. If you are a servicing company, do not hesitate to divulge your strategies (sans your tactics) that would be employed for the benefit of the clientele. Also, let it be known to all and sundry how this approach has turned your clients into familiar friends. Attach testimonials (originals, not fake) to convince the visitors.Also declare who you are; your professional experience, your social integrity – Facebook reference, for example. Also mention the expertise that your associates possess, such as Microsoft certification, if you are dealing in IT related matters.
Tip 2
Develop an engaging storyline on your website – what inspired you to start the venture; who is your role model and what is your ultimate aim. People love to hear true stories, provided these are narrated in right perspective and sound true. Who knows – perhaps some of your visitors might have secretly cherished similar ideas but could not fulfill those due to so many practical reasons. Ninety to one, these people would not only be trusting you for your true statement but would also induce their friends and relatives to have faith in you.
Tip 3
Give due respect your customer’s security; only then you can expect their trust in you. Do not ask for credit card number or other personal details in your website. The customer will provide you with all those at the right moment. Remember, to get anything, leave aside trust which is a very big issue, you have to give something – not ask something. A person uncoils himself/herself only when he/she finds himself totally secured. Provide that security and the world is in your hands.
Tip 4
Use Certification, if you are selling a product, not vague promises. As for the authenticity of price for consumer durables, people get more convinced by authenticity badges issued by the parent company than price guarantee promised by the retailer. And lastly,
Tip 5
Do not promise things you can not deliver, save and except your assurance of fixing anything in your business deal, even if the problem has arisen due to customer’s fault. However, here is a piece of pretty promise that has been found in a computer repair shop in North Dakota.