How to Avoid Mobile App Failure?

A difficult proposition indeed! Nevertheless, if you ever care to look at the stats, you will be surprised to know that according to global research studies around 7 out of every 10 newly launched mobile apps turn out to be loss-making ventures for the developers. What really happens is that there are various factors which can contribute to the eventual failure of any Smartphone app – regardless of its key features remaining faultless. Also, there are very many reasons that roll over in the background while an app appears in the market. A minor error in User Interface, Code, API or even a bug can result in app failure, causing serious inconvenience and financial loss. However, here are some of the issues that that need careful attention in order to avoid mobile app failure.

Meticulous Testing Before Delivery

Quality assurance is an important segment of the life cycle of any web or mobile application development which can only be provided after rigorous testing. And for that there is a wide range of tools that help check the end-to-end functional flow and running of the app. Before this is done, no app should be released in the market. As for large scale application, it becomes necessary to arrange a test bed and amplify the results related to the app. This will also help in course of the updates and upgrades phases of the app to go through seamless migration with sundry versions. Testing through different software with various configurations and some programs can also be undertaken to avoid failure.

Ask For Feedbacks – as Much as Possible

Instead of asking for user feedbacks only during the pilot phase and going through it carefully, you should continue asking for the same all through its various developmental stages. In fact, you need to keep the feedback loop running even after the app has been launched. In a recent report, one of the renowned mobile app Gurus has recommended the use of mobile management tools that include TestFlight, HockeyApp or App47 which can automatically collect feedback from users. Even though you can get feedback through the app itself, yet getting it through other channels such as Social Media, company website, or the app store proves more useful and so can inhibit app failure to some extent.

Select the right agency

 The most important part of developing a successful mobile app is finding the right app development agency. Make sure you do your research before you zero in on any particular developer. Choose organizations which match with the size of your company. Also, ask for evidence of the prior work the agency has done. You might as well entreat them to design a sample for you so that you get an idea how your app will look like after development.