- Posted On: 12 Sept 2014
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
The old adage that proclaimed “You are never too old to learn” has got a new lease on life with the advent of Internet, especially when linked with Apple’s tablet computer iPad (iPad 2). Even though it primarily serves as a platform for audio-visual media that includes books, news, movies, games, etc, iPod’s contribution as a learning tool is enormous. What is more, most of the phone’s educational apps are available free of cost. However, some of these are posted below for your guidance.
Medical emergencies can occur anytime, anywhere. In certain near-death conditions arising out of blockage of airways (choking), immediate action is needed for saving the life of the person. This where CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) comes into help. The CPR/ Chocking app provides instant video on how to perform CPR and bring a chocking victim back to life. The app is compatible with the American Heart Association CPR guidelines issued in October, 2010, while it was created and developed by leading educators and medical authorities at the University Of Washington School Of Medicine through the “Learn CPR program”.
Apart from imparting such specialized learning process, iPad is also used for school level educational purposes. In fact, there are numerous apps and software available to help children learn, primarily by way of developing key skills that include the three R’s (Reading writing and arithmetic) as well as the wonders of the world that surround their small haven.
There are numerous apps that are designed to help children develop their literacy skills. These come in the form of interactive books and reading games designed to help children enjoy reading.Interactive books are a great place to start. These will get your child reading, while at the same time offering tips and guidance to help them improve. Many of these apps are linked with popular children’s characters, so your child can learn and have fun at the same time. Incidentally, here are a few of the best fictional characters to inspire kids.
Learning to write and checking the spell often turns out to be a drudgery for children whose minds automatically gets attuned to something else. But iPad’s touch screen technology immediately turns this torment into an engaging sport. Even though compared to pen and paper this may seem horseplay, it, nevertheless, creates an interest towards learning the subject.
In order to dispel inherent fear of learning mathematics, many types of maths apps have been developed by people for the iPad. Getting a few for your child may prove quite helpful in eradicating that trepidation from your child’s mind, thus restoring confidence in his/her heart.
Use iPod apps to help learn things for your child in easy interesting way. Needless to say, this facility was never granted to you in your younger days. But now that these are available merely for the asking, go ahead and get them right away.