How Relevant is SEO in Today’s Digital Era?

SEO is quite relevant, even in today’s digital world, if you go by the facts and not the fiction.  But first of all, you need to have a clear cut concept about what SEO is, or rather what it isn’t.

 How Relevant is SEO in Today’s Digital Era

For instance, SEO isn’t:

  • A magic that can turn a dead website into a pulsating, animated eye-catching phenomenon in a couple of days
  • A one-time cure for all technical issues
  • An automated procedure; a plugin, or a surprising software
  • Something that can produce an unique content at the drop of a hat
  • Cheap
  • Voodoo


On the contrary, it is:

  • An ongoing process
  • A time-taking exercise
  • One of the tactics in a holistic digital marketing stratagem
  • Becomes fully effective when implemented with other relevant tactics
  • A well paying investment


Why do you need SEO in today’s digital era

Previously, when a consumer wanted the best of everything (that included selection of hotels) for his/her next vacation, the person used to rush to a travel agency, read travel mags, watch TV, compare opinions offered by friends  and colleagues or even consult maps. But today, he does none of the things he/she merely uses the smartphone and start searching. Now, if you are in hotel business, won’t you wish your property to stay on top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) However, to gain that advantage, you would need the services of a dependable SEO consultant above everything else


Why dependable; you may ask; and rightly so too. Even if you are not even remotely connected with SEO activities, you need to know that Google algorithm alters around 500 to 600 times a year, where penalties are levied for minor offences related to SEO tactics. Leaving aside Black hat tactics, even Grey Hat tactics attract the provisions for punishments.


In the event of your not being all too familiar with the newly evolved Grey Hat techniques, these are listed below.

  • Dealing in old domains
  • Cloaking
  • Using duplicate content
  • Link buying
  • Tampering social media platforms and follower purchasing.


So, to remain in business in today’s digital era , you need to depend on ethical SEO services all the while because your customers will search for you, not you searching for them, while unremitting SEO operations will ensure the prosperity of your business in the long run.