How Often Should I Update My Mobile App?

To tell you frankly, it depends on several issues that are discussed below, so that you can take your own decision. Meanwhile, please try to remember that apps for mobile touch screen devices differ from desktop and browser applications in more than one way; while CPU and GPU performance is more limited on Smart phones and tablets as compared to desktop devices. However, let us get back to the prime issue and check the results.

The Question is: How Dynamic is Your Content?

In case your app is content centric as also cyclical or seasonal, such as dedicated to cover any particular team for the forthcoming soccer seasons, you need to keep up with every season to bestow value to your fan-base, as otherwise the whole purpose will be lost. On the other hand, if the content is dynamic in any app and there is no dearth of fresh content to keep the users occupied, you would not be needing large updates, save and except some bug fixes. Alternatively, you might as well consider doing some kind of overhaul by adding new features or revamping the design, so that the users will become electrified about using the app again for the ensuing seasonal sports events. But in this case, you need to push out updates every season with new or novel features you would like to add.

New Hardware and Software Often Needs Updates

It appears that mobile phone makers are no more happy with any particular OS and are ever opting for new Operating Systems. But with every new release of an OS, the app has to be updated appropriately to incorporate the new design and efficiencies that come with it. Same is the case with the hardware – with release of the iPhone 5 which comes with different screen size, you need to consider about updates, too. Likewise, with the current and poplar Android phones, the apps developers will have a hard time developing apps that will work well on all these screen sizes. The upcoming software release of iOS 7 is likely to usher in a big change in overall user experience and it is no wonder that your app will need appropriate update to align with the features of the new software.

It Also Depends on Your Approach

As is the custom, mobile apps are now developed using agile methodologies. Instead of building the entire application all at once, you build a mobile minimum viable product straightaway and then go on rehearsing with new upgrades to the application that is primarily based on feedback. This way, you can do more frequent updates on monthly or fortnightly basis, if you are so keen about pushing new features to users. What is more, depending on the magnitude of your development squad and amount of resources, these updates could also become weekly.

Think of The User and Your Problem is Solved

No matter if you have bugs in the system (those that are critical needs to be fixed as quick as possible) you must remember that apps are built for the users, not for the shareholder or the developer. So, you need to go on building additional features, based on user needs. If you come across a feature that a large majority of your users are asking for, feel free about taking the MVP approach, build it fast and update your app.

How Essential is The App for Your Business Model

Yes; it makes a lot of difference. If, for instance, the app is absolutely crucial to your business model, you may rest assured that updates will be rather critical as well as a lot more frequent. On the other hand, if the app just boosts your brand value or may be about technology, then the frequency would be much lesser and less critical, too.