- Posted On: 8 Sept 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
Even though Bounce Rate is considered to be a notable metric in content analytics, very few people are actually aware of its significance. While some are absolutely in the dark about what high bounce rate actually means, there are others who simply do not know how bounce rate is calculated.
To be precise, bounce rate mirrors the percentage of web visitors who leave a web page in a huff after landing on it. The usual procedure includes clicking a link >>> typing the URL >>> arriving at the website >>> rushing to another website sans taking any action about the visited site. Nevertheless, it is not a sign of schizophrenia or psychopath on part of the visitor but some deficiency or snag within the site itself that makes it distasteful to the visitor. However, here are a few tips to cut down the bounce rate substantially so that your website can become popular and well-liked.
Most web visits now come from smart phones or similar devices that have smaller screens. Unless you make your site mobile-friendly through responsive website development, visitors would run away at the first instance.
There is a popular Hindi precept that says, ‘Pahelé Darshandhari, Peechay Goon Bichari’ meaning that it is the first look that counts most, qualities are considered later. The same principle applies to websites too. Unless it looks attractive, visitors will not vie to tap on it. Also, application of appropriate color makes all the difference. If you happen to be a colorblind person like me, take the help of color scheme generator to resolve the issue.
Contents rich in information, saucy with humor and amusing with anecdotes will draw visitors like bees to a hive. Also, it has to be relevant to whatever you are selling. For instance, if you are selling shoes, don’t write about raincoats.
The same way too many cooks spoil the broth, too many links will confuse the visitor, discouraging them to proceed further with your site. Keep links to a reasonable minimum to make the site look helpful, but no more!
In certain situations, a 404 error page proves to be the first impression a visitor can have of your site. So, why not make it a useful one? Remember, the principal goal of your 404 page is to direct your visitor to the page he/she is looking for ASAP.
No website will please everybody, but if you manage your options appropriately, you’ll have a great website for 85 percent of your target audience, and an okay one for the remaining percentage. You know what the majority of your prospective customers need to know, and what actions they would like to take. Your navigation should reflect that.
The faster your page loads, the faster the user gets what they want – as simple as that! At the same time you are aware that website visitors are as fretful as children hand-picking playful toys – a toy car is dropped within a couple of seconds in favor of a toy machine gun. The same happens to a website visitor – any page that take longer than 2 seconds to load will be left in the lurch in favor of another. So, be careful about it.
Search engines are no demigods and so are apt to make mistakes. Google, Yahoo, Bing may display links to your site even when somebody searched for something completely different. It’s hard to counter this kind of incident, but your internet marketer can cut it down by creating content that’s hyper relevant to your core offerings, so search engines won’t have the chance to misinterpret what users will find on your site.
These are some of the ways that you may practice in order to cut down your bounce rate so that your website visitors become happy visiting your site and get whatever the want.