Digital Marketing – Where to Get Technical Help

The world of digital marketing is not only changing everyday but also shifting so fast that staying up-to-date on the current SEO and digital marketing technique often becomes a bewildering issue.

The atmosphere, unfortunately, turns all the more baffling as some ‘self-appointed’ ‘experts’ who profess to know all the necessary information on matters relating to internet marketing attempts to feed us with nothing but last year’s garbage.But the darkest clouds do often have silver lining and so are some of the genuine SEO pathfinders who will genuinely help you if you find yourself in a self-created digital marketing soup. So, we might as well take a peep at their recent doings.


What obsesses them: All things marketing, that includes content, SEO and digital

Why they are considered great:

  • They post regularly
  • It is easy to browse posts by topic and skill level
  • Their daily posts about “What You Need to Know” featuring relevant matter, tech and marketing news can keep you up-to-date sans any hassle.


What obsesses them: Everything SEO

Why they are considered great:

  • Tremendous resources of info with all you ever wanted to know about SEO
  • ‘Whiteboard Friday’ videos with unbelievable tutorials and insights on to a variety of SEO topics
  • Personal blogs from Moz co-founder Rand Fishkin with a view into the world of Moz
  • Developer blog with fantastic case studies and tools


What obsesses them: Content marketing and Analysis

Why are they considered great:

  • Sexy blog layout
  • Thorough understanding of the reasons behind digital marketing – where it works and does not work
  • Weekly ‘Lunch Break with Michael King’ section with video interviews on a wide range of digital marketing topics


What obsesses them: Breaking down techniques for digital marketing

Why they are considered great:

  • Great personal tone (Neil Patel’s, founder of KissMetrics) in the articles that share both the success and failures of Neil’s working experiences with sundry companies
  • Provide many tips and case studies to follow.

Apart from those illustrated above, there are also quite few genuine establishments that impart knowledge and provide latest news about online protocol and digital marketing.