- Posted On: 27 Jan 2016
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
Website design and development companies need to achieve many things in concert to become successful. They need to showcase fabulous ideas through intelligent designs as well as possess acute sense of balance between function and form. They are also required to create enticing brand experience that will command attention and persuade conversion. What’s more, they are supposed to build platforms that become agile and adoptive in great many ways. But when it comes to the heart of the matter, i.e. the content, their zeal gets the biggest jolt.
Oftentimes, clients promise to deliver the copy, but either fails miserably in performing this duty or makes a mess of it. Worst types are those that presume that cost of creating content is covered within overall cost of designing and developing the site. Save and except well established organizations that have highly skilled in-house copy-writers proficient enough to create content on anything under the sun, others have to go through endless hassles that range from copying copy from sites that deal in similar products or services, as also vain attempts towards creating content in association with client having zero experience in copywriting.
However, here are a few tips that will help budding web development and design companies in sorting out the content dilemma.
Do not unleash the Hound of the Baskerville at the very opening. It took Sir Arthur Conan Doyle a good many number of pages before readers could view the horrid hound that was shot dead by detective Sherlock Holmes.
Follow the same principle as you ease people into details. A website, as we know, is structured in such a way that basic messages get displayed upfront, while the content becomes more specific as users delve deeper into it. For instance, don’t try to cram everything into the home page that usually is meant for introduction. In any case, cluttering the front door will prevent users to walk in, resulting in total failure and disappointment. If you keep the navigation simplified, you can arrange details without fear of dejection or abandonment of the site.
Keep away from technical jargon or scientific terminologies while creating content for a commercial website. Also, keep the content as simple as possible. The language should be simple, message clear and consistent. It is, however, a better idea if you could obtain prior information about your target audience, so that you could create appropriate content for it.
It becomes a lot more easier to create content if you could know beforehand where it will go among the multiple web pages that you are going to generate because each page deserve its own style of writing. So, the best thing for you will be to create a sitemap first. The User Experience phase will help you out a lot in this exercise. However, once this is sorted out, you can lose your fear of creating appropriate content for your web pages
Spinning a yarn where users occupy the hot seat no doubt helps conversion, but an all too obvious commercial chronicle will take the reverse course. Users will skip through the fairy tale only to get the required information if the excitement keeps them on their toes and then purchase the product or take any other appropriate action.
There are many ways through which you can communicate online, written text being just one of them. Video, bulleted lists, infographics, interactive features and even FAQ formatted info are considered as content for web pages.
However, these varied forms of content suits different types of web pages. For instance, a video on the home page will help clarifying complex set of information, while a picture, appropriately placed will do away quite a lot of drab and dreary text. Also, a bullet list will attract more attention than mile long text.
Content is king, but don’t put yourself in the role of a kingmaker unless you possess the necessary skills to produce unique, original, informative and interesting content. Besides, you have a lot more to do while designing and developing a website. You may appoint a skilled content writer as a reliable employee, if you can afford the cost or take the help of freelance content writers.