- Posted On: 30 May 2016
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
As we all know, B2C (Business to Consumers) refers to transactions between a business and end-user, while B2B (Business to Business) refers to transactions between two businesses where both the buyer and the seller are business owners and so a website built for the two must satisfy both. However, a professionally designed website can help build sales and strengthen business relationship in a remarkable way. Nevertheless, it can also backfire if certain factors are overlooked or are not taken care of professionally. If, for instance, surveys are not conducted beforehand about the demographics of the audience the site will not be as effective as it should be. The same is true with checking and evaluating competitor’s websites that may prove disastrous if not properly looked into. However, for B2C side, key elements should include an online store, an educational hub, a customer service center, a company information page and a contact page. B2B side, on the other hand is limited to telling partners how they can benefit from working together on common issues.
Effective audience survey can be conducted through two different platforms such as easy and simple Google Consumer Surveys and more elaborate SurveyMonkey. As for the former, it is not only easy to use but also is more cost effective. The on-screen guide will walk you through every step, from choosing an audience to setting the question format. It also has a straightforward tool to help you write the questions for your survey.
SurveyMokey, on the other hand provides a large selection of audience criteria that helps you focus on specific attributes. Not only can you fine-tune your audience demographic, you also have the ability to create sophisticated survey forms with a wide selection of question options and logic flow, allowing you to tailor the survey based on the responses you receive.
However, if you are planning a site both for B2C and B2B, refrain from using technical gobbledygook for the customer side but highly professional industry terms for the business side. Also, consider offering portals on the homepage so that businesses as well as customers can easily reach their appropriate section.
Remember, you need to create such professional looking site that will attract both lay customers as also highly resourceful business partners. Since content is still the king, you must have highly informative and sensational content. Apart from text, the site should have appropriate graphics. In case your budget does not permit hiring an expensive graphic designer, go for attracting templates offered by most Web Hosting companies. Insert photographs – both for products as well as dedicated personnel that work for you.
Also, use instagram both for B2B and B2C. While B2C brands will use it to connect with customers, build brand loyalty and promote culture and community feelings, B2B brands would use it as a tool to promote their corporate culture, brand and community to a diverse audience. Also, you need to update the site on a regular basis.
Regardless of whether it is for B2C or B2B, user experience is very important for your website to succeed at any sort of conversion. If the goal you have set for your website is to create brand or product awareness then a good user experience will give your visitors the information they’re looking for in an engaging manner. If your website is aimed at lead generation then a good user experience will give visitors a compelling reason to fill in their contact information. Even if you have set a simple goal for your website like urging visitors to call your business or visit your store, your UX should communicate why it’s worth their while to do so and have clear call-to-actions on what you want them to do next.
Prior to creating site for B2C or B2B, do the planning first and that should include the purpose. In fact, you need to create every page that serves a purpose. A Call to Action will help drive sales or create them through the site. If your goal includes selling through the Internet, make it easy and simple for customers to pursue, direct the search and then sort things out. Also, do not forget to insert relevant information about terms of use and policies. For B2B side, pitch whatever you intend to portray, as also what to expect from your newly formed partners.