- Posted On: 7 Sept 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
The trend of website design changes just like women’s fashion. In course of the last 20 or so years, the definition of ‘Web Presence’ has undergone sea of changes where traditional websites have gone obsolete. The same is true with the static websites too. All eyes are riveted now to designs that suit small screen handheld devices such as smart phones that have become humanity’s best friend now (substituting the dog!).
Nevertheless, this post outlines some of the basic web design trends that are currently being pursued by most web designers and developers.
The most popular trend, raging through the early part of the current year has been long scrolling website design development. It helped include tons of information on a single page, and that too in a sleek and compelling manner. Needless to say, this new trend proved to be a boon for smart phone and tablet users who (far outnumbering desktop users) found it most convenient (in scrolling) instead of continuous clicking of small links to navigate from one page to another.
Also popular was the split-screen layout that had vertical breaks dividing portions of a page into several parts or sections. This was found to be quite convenient for businesses that wanted to project several products or services at the same time.
It enabled them to give eminence to more than one item, instead of having to rank them in order of merit or whatever else.
This trend, which is quite current now, is known to have a dramatic effect on the user. Technically speaking, it allows the background of the website to move at a slower pace as compared to the foreground and as a result a type of 3D effect takes shape. Needless to say, it adds depth, turning a commonplace image into something that is extraordinary. However, a few enterprising companies, such as Sony has shown what brilliant effect can be achieved by combining this feature with some other style. However, in due course of time, this trend, like many others, may go into oblivion.
Ever since small screen hand-held devices, such as smartphones became globally popular, web designers literally broke their heads trying to design a site that could be displayed satisfactorily on a 4.7’’ screen. However, in May 2010, Ethan Marcotte finally coined the term ‘Responsive Web Design’ which allowed a website to shift size seamlessly, without “compromising UX or quality, irrespective of screen size it is accessed on”. Responsive Web Design is now considered as industry standard all over the world.
Even though it may not be called something new or novel, visual headers are presumed to continue as a preferred choice for most web designers. However, what contained within those headers remain to be guessed by many.
While having amazing content is always crucial for any website, being able to tell a story through the content is an extra bonus. Contemporary web design is likely focus around helping tell a story for users.
For instance, the Space Needle’s website beautifully tells the facts of the Space Needle through the use of storytelling and a design that helps support it (it also goes in line with the long scrolling trend discussed above).
For years, menu bars posed a regular feature in the web design industry. No one ever really tried to challenge the inclusion of a menu on the homepage. It just didn’t make sense to anybody.
However, as of late, the trend toward greater simplicity has inspired many web development professionals to hide their site menus behind buttons and tabs. The menu is only revealed when the mouse is hovered over the icon, much like in storytelling design.
A word or two in advance: True, the trends outlined above holds water as of now. But make no mistake, the scenario may change overnight – newer trends replacing the outmoded long before Father Christmas appears on the scene.