- Posted On: 20 Aug 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
The cyber world appears to have gone crazy about mobile-friendly algorithm that has all but revolutionized the search protocol within our known periphery. No wonder, Microsoft’s Bing will go for the bandwagon too after its arch rival Google has already occupied the hot seat. However, Bing’s approach to mobile friendliness as a rank signal will balance the need to ameliorate the ranking for mobile-friendly pages, along with keeping an eye over delivering the most appropriate results for a given query. At the same time, in the case of mobile searches on Bing, one may come across the most relevant results for a search query ranked higher, even though some of these are not mobile-friendly. Nevertheless, in the not too distant future, Bing will work hand-in-hand with their webmasters to ensure a smooth transition to a mobile-friendly lonely planet.
Apart from working ceaselessly to roll out fault-proof mobile-friendly algorithm and suggesting more options for Bing Webmaster Tools, Bing has lately been busy with a few other updates that seem quite helpful for users all over the world.
Bing has launched a new app discovery extension which is available to advertisers on Bing Ads. As a result, advertisers will be able to promote apps which users can download on iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The extension will also include a call-to-action to download the app instead of the usual click-to-download button. What is more, Bing has removed the obvious mobile OS targeting to make matters more convenient for all.
Auction Insights (in U.S. only) have been made available in the Bing Ads UI (User Interface). This facility was earlier introduced in the Bing Ads Intelligence, but since now it has become available in the UI, people have become jubilant about its greater use and availability.
For people who are not conversant with the term, Auction Insights help tell them which ads are shown and where are these placed for any given query. This becomes particularly helpful for advertisers eager to know about their competition in any auction so that they can improve upon their ads to beat the competition.
Bing has currently provided more bulk editing options in Bing Ads Web IU in response to popular preference for editing in the web interface as against doing so in excel.
This is no doubt a simple yet innovative update for Bing that does not discriminate between a Responsive and a Non-responsive design. This has been made possible with the introduction of a new set of mobile crawlers. According to Bing update, this has been incorporated ‘to better understand all websites’. Incidentally, Bing also reminds webmasters not to block JavaScript or CSS from the crawlers.
Not Provided is going to expand as Bing goes HTTPS, eventually blocking query data in the referrer path. As a matter of fact, Bing has already announced that they will begin encrypting their searches over TLS. So, Bing will no longer pass query data to webmasters. The [not provided] chronicle will be expanded from Google to Bing, where marketers would not be able to see how searchers are finding their websites through the two top rated search engines.