Best Practice for URL Structuring

Even though URL structure is considered to be the most important element in regard to effective SEO, it is a pity that many sites simply ignore it due to unawareness. However, here is a general guideline for following best practices for URL structuring along with lucid examples for the benefit of the reader. After all, the ultimate aim is to create search engine friendly URLs that appeal both to the users and the web crawlers at the same time.

Keep it as simple as possible

Make sure that your URL structure carries no ambiguity and is easy to comprehend by everybody. It should straightaway reflect the content of the page in a simple way that makes sense to visitors and bots alike. Also, avoid numerical, such as inventory or catalogue numbers. Use simple words, instead. Use a brand or product name, for instance. Bear in mind that under any circumstance, you should be able to foretell what is on a page by looking at its URL only.

Keep it short

Forget about the old catchphrase ‘more the merrier’ when structuring the URL. Shorter URLs are easy to remember and easier to crawl. What is worse, if it is much too long, users will be encouraged to generate a shorter version through sites such as tinyURL or which will result in creation of a random collection of numbers and letters that will be no good for you.

Go for descriptive URLs

Most Content Management Systems (such as WordPress, etc) create dynamic URLs by default. These are generally long strings of text that look like Mayan hieroglyphs and are difficult to read. So, it is much better to create descriptive, interesting URL that can jolly well describe the content of the page.

Example: If a user is searching for information in regard to pet food, the following type of URL will make it a lot easier for him/her to appreciate the context of the link:

Use keyword in URL

In course of forming a URL structure for a website it is vital that the relevant keyword is present in the URL. This will not only help the user to know beforehand about the context of the link but also has SEO advantages from Search Engine viewpoin

Use punctuation in URL

Instead of using long strings of characters in the URL that poses problem in reading, why not use proper punctuation to make it more readable.

It is also worthwhile knowing that hyphens ( – ) are preferred to underscores ( _ ) since Google considers word separated by hyphens as individual words which can become quite useful when capturing multiple search terms.

Keyword stuffing – No, No, never

A bottle of beer a day may be quite good for your health but not ten! The same applies to your keywords. While a keyword rich URL is a plus point from the SEO point of view, overstuffing keyword in the URL not only makes it look raunchy but also paves the way for penalty.

Check the spelling

Spelling error in an URL not only creates confusion but also undermines the reliability of the website. If a consumer comes across a link to your website that looks , he/she will only use invectives to express his/her feelings. In the process, you not only lose business but lose your goodwill too at the same time.

Do not use Capitals

Stay away from using Capitals in URL because it can result in splitting of pageRank and Link value.

Get rid of appended parameters

SEO gurus always recommend curbing URLs by eliminating all superfluous appended parameters and advise using techniques for avoiding duplicate content penalties. From the practical side, multiple parameters actually cause problems for SEs, while creating URL confusion by way of generating unnecessarily high number of URLs that suggest identical or similar content.

Canonicalization of URL

Canonicalization is the process of picking the best URL when there are several choices, and it usually refers to home pages. Canonical URL tag is part of the HTML header on any webpage, inside <head>…</head> section.

Avoid using Session IDs

Session ID’s appended to a URL is likely to produce spider loops, thus causing the SEs to slow crawl a site, ditch sections of it or abandon the site itself.

Directory Structure

Search Engines calculate the significance of a page’s subject matter by its closeness to the Home Page. Sometimes, content residing in all the 3 directories are considered to be of minor value and consequently the pageRank goes down consequently. That’s precisely why SEO gurus advise altering the directory structure of the site to fetch as much Primary Content within the 3 directories as possible.