- Posted On: 12 Sept 2014
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
Apple, as usual, always reveals good news for business users. Here are some of the benefits that relate to the new iPhone5 and iOS6.
Even though iPhone 4S is still considered as the hallmark Smartphone that lacked 4G, Apple has already introduced 4G/LTE (Long Term Evolution, marketed as 4G LTE which is a standard for wireless communication of high speed data for mobile phones and data terminals). No wonder iPhone5 will have the same feature. What’s more, it has dual band 802.11n, as a result of which it can take advantage of both 2.4GHz as well as 5GHz wireless networks. According to Apple CEO, iPhone5 is capable of delivering a top speed of 150 Mbps over Wi-Fi (theoretically though).
From information received via a blog post from Zenprise – a mobile device management company, Apple reportedly has introduced new enterprise features in iOS6 that will empower IT to brand and lock down iPads. Also, businesses that wish to utilize iPads sans exposing their data or networks to unwarrantable risk will now have the facility of turning the device into one-trick pony that only runs the app as nominated by IT. Moreover, it also becomes possible for a business to deploy iPads as mobile sales or cash register tool, dedicated kiosk console or other specific purposes that benefits the business. What’s more, IT can also allocate an image, such as that of a company or product logo as the background of the iPad and then lock it, so that no one change or deface it.
People on the go would surely appreciate the new mapping and navigation feature of iOS6. True, the present iOS has a Maps app, but it does not have voice-guided, turn-by-turn navigation. Of course, there are other apps that can do it, such as Garmin StreetPilot, but there is hardly any way to allocate a third party app as the default mapping or navigation app. Also, there is no way you can integrate a third party maps app with Siri (Originally introduced as an iOS application available in the App Store by Siri, Inc., which was acquired by Apple on April 28, 2010. Siri, Inc. had announced that their software would be available for BlackBerry and for phones running Android, but all development efforts for non-Apple platforms were cancelled after the acquisition by Apple.Apart from having great 3D maps and a fantastic fly-by feature, the novel Maps app will also encourage users to ask Siri to locate the nearest gas station or coffee shop. And voila, Siri would guide you to your destination, turn-by-turn.
To tell you frankly, Face Time is real cool. Its boon for travelling sales persons or the like who now use it to keep in touch with their near and dear ones. It can also serve as an easy and useful tool for on-the-spot video conference calls with other iOS or Mac OS X users. However, since Face Time works only over Wi-Fi connections, iOS6 users will be able to connect and chat wherever they can connect either with Wi-Fi or over cellular network.
This is yet another feature that will benefit people on the go. It is some kind of a central depository for Store Loyalty Card, Reward Card, movie tickets, Airline boarding pass and other miscellaneous items that need temporary storage facility.However, the most amazing thing about Passbook is its time and location awareness. For instance, as you enter the theater or the airport, Passbook would automatically link it with the appropriate situation and let you have the ‘paperwork’.
Busy people, either in trade or commerce would surely appreciate the two novel features incorporated within the iOS6, namely – VIP and Flagged. Messages from contacts that have been designated as VIP would be typically flagged in the primary inbox, as also made available in a separate VIP folder. This process ensures that you never miss important emails from your superiors, vendors or key customers. The Flagged feature also allows you to mark received messages as “flagged” and as a result it becomes easier to locate them and address them later. Moreover, items marked as Flagged appear in a separate Flagged smart mailbox, which makes it quicker and easier to find them again, sans scrolling the entire Inbox.
Whenever you are in a crucial meeting or are trying to get some sleep at night, you obviously do not want your iPhone to start buzzing and creating nuisance for all. The Do not Disturb feature would save the situation by blocking those incoming calls and notifications for a pre-set period of time. As a matter of fact, alerts and notifications are kept reserved and piled up for delivery only after the Do not Disturb period expires. However, there is an option to allow calls from exclusive people through, even when Do not Disturb continues and as a result all frivolous calls are eliminated while you do not miss the important calls.
Incidentally, if you get an incoming call while in a meeting, you may want to respond without answering it. iOS 6 has a new Reply with Message feature that will let you send the call to voicemail, but will also send a text message to the caller so that he/she may know that you are aware of the call and that you’ll contact him/her later. By preference, you can also tap the Remind Me Later option which will alert you an hour or so later to return the call.