Beat Your Competitor With Your Own Website

Sounds strange; yet it’s true, provided you can build a better website than that of your competitor’s. What’s more, with an effective call to action, your website will attract more potential clients and encourage them to close the deal with you. No; there is no hanky-panky about it- its pure logic that will bring about the desired result for you.

To begin with, you need to take an ECG of your website to check the flow of traffic, conversion, etc in order to know where you stand. Google Analytics can provide you with plenty of insight about these issues and will also compare your results in regard to your industry average. Additionally, it will let you know how well (or otherwise) you are doing digitally as compared to others in your industry.

Needless to say, if your area of operation includes surviving through a highly competitive industry frame, you obviously need a website that will set you apart from your nearest competitors. If necessary, you can give your customers a digital value they can not resist.Areas that need your special attention to beat your competitor:

Take The Help of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a fairly significant factor in your struggle to beat your competitor. You can either engage a reliable SEO Company to do the job or do it yourself, if you can. In any way, your site must appear above that of your competitors on SERPs, so that the visitors can click your website first. However, the only way of achieving that goal lies in creating unique content. Regular posting of highly informative content not only appeals search engine crawlers but also the common visitors.

Also, pay attention to the keywords. Focus on the search queries that yield most traffic. Take the help of Google Analytics or Google’s Webmaster Tools program to determine the most effective keywords. Incidentally, try to follow Google guidelines when dealing in SEO matters in order to avoid being penalized by Google for indulging in black-hat tactics.

Re-design The Website, if Necessary

Make sure that your website’s design compliments the content or at least the product or services that you deal in. If you are selling car accessories and your website is adorned with colorful umbrellas, visitors may react to it indifferently. The site’s design should be attractive but not distracting. Also, it should not be cluttered, containing huge blocks of irritating text. And for heaven’s sake don’t beat your drums on your home page. Visitors go to your home page for gathering information, not for life history. In short, the design should facilitate the buying process

Keep Communication Easy

Make sure that your website allows easy communication for your visitors when trying to contact you. Do not insist on your customer’s email address at the very outset because that is likely to irritate him/her, deserting your site for good. As a matter of fact, people often get upset when you start asking personal details right at the very beginning. The best thing is to include a Contact Us page with an in-browser contact form. This will eliminate the need for the customers to go through the hassle of opening their email to get in touch with you.

A Positive Central Message is Important

Effective websites are never cluttered; they contain a clear call to action and carry a strapping central message that everybody can read and understand. However, your website should reflect a direct yet concise summary of what you are about, the benefits of your offer and why you are the best in the market. Also give as much information as possible. Provide supplementary information too, to create interest. For example, if you are selling winter shoes, foot care details during the winter months will be an added attraction for the customer. And finally, mention the benefits of doing business with you along with steps needed to close a deal.