- Posted On: 27 May 2015
- Posted By: Crescentek
30 Jun 2017
As the reminiscences and commemoration to the life and work of Steve Jobs still continue to surround us with a profound sense of grief, we, nevertheless can not but recount that the company he co-founded has always been committed to the ‘Education Arena’ in some form or the other. To tell the truth, the analysis of education technology in the country for the last 30 or more so years would have been considered incomplete sans a citation in regards to Apple’s and Job’s contribution in this field. From the Mac to the NeXT computer to the iBook – products that Apple and Job have created were in fact nothing but fascinating computing devices that schools and universities were always eager to procure and pursue.
However, the current picture has literally swept away all previous record. The very fact that more then 8 million iPads have been sold to educational institutions across the globe is indeed something to reckon with. This was duly corroborated by Apple CEO Tim Cook who remarked that “iPads make up 94 per cent of the market for education tablet, a stat he noted was impressive and unheard of in most businesses. I have never seen a market share that high before”, Cook added later.
The secret behind iPad’s tremendous popularity can be assessed from the experience gained by an experienced teacher who had experimented with the device and brooks no delay in opening his heart about its fascinating features. However, let us hear it from his lips, here and now.
“My ‘iPad journey’ began approximately a year ago, when I bought an iPad 2. I was hooked. My then three-year-old daughter was also showing an interest. It was at this point that I was beginning to see the huge potential that this device could have in schools. She was learning to count, do simple subtraction and addition problems, recognise different shapes, listen to stories, learn her alphabet, beginning to spell out words and learn how to write letters, all this with very little guidance or support – plus she was having fun learning.”
“Having seen the huge potential of the iPads as an educational tool, I decided to investigate the pros and cons of iPads, compared to laptops in the classroom.
In my mind these were the pros:
And here are the cons:
Bottom line: Despite some of the shortcomings that Apple is going to take care of, iPad will reign the roost for quite sometime before any of its competitors can take the hot seat, by dislodging it.